Kitchen Exercise
This video was made to help my older adult students to remember what we have done in class to articulate our spine and work our hip...

Trying New Things
Today, I learned to change oil in my lawnmower. I watched this video: My grass had gotten too high. I had...
Thymus Thump
I have read that tapping on your sternum (breastbone) can stimulate your thymus gland. When we were babies, our thymus was larger than...
Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation
We often perform these five Tibetan rites in classes I teach. Although I do not instruct on the history of the spiritual benefits many...
Calm an Anxious Heart
When my heart races with anxiety, I take responsibility for it. Like a mother, I calm my heart by listening to it. Is it trying to tell...

A Shot of Joy
I am celebrating with ice cream because I got my second shot of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine today. I have such a lovely, light feeling...

Dancing in Streets in Downtown Charleston
Jim Wallace and I are featured on Downtown Charleston’s cover photo. We are dancing in the streets during a parade. When the band...

Spring into Spring
The daffodils are blooming along the Kanawha River bank in downtown Charleston, West Virginia. I like how the sun is beaming in on this...
Dead Butt Exercise
This video is to inspire you to stand up and move, stretching your hip flexors. There is also a syndrome called “dead butt” that is...
Flow (Apple Watch)
This video is about saliva, water, and peeing - all liquids that help the body flow and keep us comfortable. I explain the benefits of a...