Flow (Apple Watch)
This video is about saliva, water, and peeing - all liquids that help the body flow and keep us comfortable. I explain the benefits of a...

Lift Arms & Heart
Time to fly again. Lift your arms and that will lift your heart, and today you’ll feel more lovely and light.
Experience Joy Moving
Lengthen, Stretch, Be Flexible, Build Muscle and Have Fun! This video shows some exercises we could do.
Stories that Resonate
I recently was asked to tell more about myself. Following are some stories that resonate with me. 1. The ugly duckling. At first, she...
Creativity Springboard
A quotation that is original with me is, “Frustration is the springboard to creativity.” I used to be a diver on the swim team in high...
Resilient & Less Anxious
According to this article, https://www.inverse.com/mind-body/brain-study-exercise-increases-resilience-to-stress, “Aerobic exercise...

Happiness Formula
Martin Seligman came up with this formula for Happiness: H=S+C+V or Level of Happiness = Set point for Happiness + Current...
Expansion & Contraction
I’ve been taking some quiet time this morning. I read Kris Carr’s “Do You Need Some Quiet?” article from her Crazy Sexy Newsletter...
Smile Therapy
"If you are feeling good, let others know it, it will look good on you, and help others around you. If you are not feeling good, go get a...

Inversions are fun!
My inversion for the day. I try to get upside down every day and there are lots of opportunities to do that with yoga, but normally my...