Lymph System Love
Unlike the circulatory system that has a heart to pump our blood to our lungs for purification, our immune system has no pump except...
Ease Back Pain
The way we carry ourselves is important to our overall well-being. A confident person has good posture and good body mechanics. In my...
Circle of Energy
It was only ten degrees yesterday morning. One fourth of my early morning SilverSneakers class at Active Sports Complex in St. Albans...
Feeling Safe Community.
My dad died nine years ago today (January 29). This is the year I can sign up for Medicare. This photo brings a smile to my heart. I can...
Put Order Back into Your Own Court
I was asked to present training at the 2018 West Virgw Back into Your Own Court: Keeping Fit and Managing Stress in a High-pressure Job."...
I’m the Boss
I recently saw this CBS report on Tau Porchon-Lynch, a 100-year-old yoga instructor and ballroom dancer, who was interviewed on a life...