A Shot of Joy
I am celebrating with ice cream because I got my second shot of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine today. I have such a lovely, light feeling knowing I can return to my classes soon.
I love my students. It always amazes me how easy it is to just be an open channel, letting the ideas I get for healthy movement flow through me as I instruct my classes. I am never tired. I almost feel as as though it isn’t me teaching. I am just up front having fun.
I’ll update my group class page as I get more news on starting dates or you might check the facilities' websites:
Brookdale Charleston Gardens - https://www.brookdale.com/en/communities/brookdale-charleston-gardens.html South Charleston Community Center - https://communitycenter.cityofsouthcharleston.com/. (South Charleston Community Center is currently closed due to flooding.) Active Sports Complex - https://actionsportscomplex.com/
